Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A very happy PTA celebrates their 3 sell-out shows. Another successful Yankee Doodle Circus
fundraiser to support school activities and the perfect event for Family Fun Day.

The children are captivated 
 sitting on the floor 
and watching the the show.

Pardon the blurry photo, 
originally on a newspaper web site.
Three sold-out shows in one day!

Here's the layout of our scenery and circus ring. 
Please note the double floor covering. 
The rectangular gray vinyl mat covers 
the staging area and 
the circular blue mat is on top of the gray mat. 
The little red and white barrier is around the border and keeps the children who are sitting on the floor away from the staging area.
For more information on our gym floor covering 
please visit www.dunlapcovers.com 

Get ready to believe in the unbelievable when the world-class performers spin their special magic and transport you to the wonderful world of 
the Yankee Doodle Circus.
A circus so special you may never want to go home!

We're waiting to meet YOU 
at the Yankee Doodle Circus!

Now Booking for 2025 and 2026
Mike Naughton

  917 565  2270
Let us send you a sample contract and references.
Contact Mike and let's 
bring the circus to your school.
We're coming your way!
Our tour includes:
 New York State and New York City

(also Long Island and Staten Island), 
New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont,
 Maine, New Hampshire, Florida and Georgia

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